Event created by Midnight
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The semi-finals are under way, and the six chefs left standingreturn for the chance to impress one of two rising culinarystars, before battling for a place in the final five.First upis a visit from groundbreaking chef Victor Garvey, a nativeNew Yorker who has set today's brief. Victor has worked toredefine modern American food from his Michelin-starredrestaurant SoLa, in London. His dishes are inspired by hismemories growing up, and the main aim is to create familiar,but surprising, plates of food. Today, it's down to thecontestants to raid their memory banks and each deliver twobite-sized snacks that hit his standard. Not only that, theirchallenge will also be run as a restaurant service, with anhour to prep and cook, and 30 minutes to finesse and plate.This is no small feat.The theme of special memories continuesinto the next task. All six will need to deliver a dish thatbrings back thoughts of a special occasion. Inspiration cancome from anywhere - the perfect Christmas, a romantic firstdate, a birthday lunch – but all that emotion must berepresented in the plate of food they serve the judges.For onechef, the competition will be over, leaving just five stillin with a shot at becoming MasterChef: The Professionalschampion 2024.