Event created by Midnight
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Standing in Rossi's abandoned hotel room, Tosh and Calderrealise that he's been conducting his own investigation intowho killed Annie and Bergen. Their fears are verified when MI5agent Rob Harding warns them that if Rossi is seeking justicefor his former protégé, it will be fatal. As they put thepieces of the investigation together, the detectives uncover afailed MI5 operation in London which surprisingly leads them toa local family, as a chilling showdown unravels.At the kirk,Alan organizes a memorial for Annie. However, the mood quicklysours when an unwanted face arrives to pay their respects,unsettling the family.In the aftermath of the confrontation,Tosh and Calder interview Rossi, who gives them his reasoningand motivation for going after Annie's killer – a tale fullof guilt and revenge.