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The semi-finals come to an end, with a stunning task that willrequire the five remaining chefs to draw on every reserve theycan muster, if they hope to make it to finals week.The fiveprofessionals are heading to Surrey, home to RHS GardenWisley, which houses the headquarters of the RoyalHorticultural Society, celebrating its 200th anniversary thatday.In honour of this milestone, the five contestants will beasked to create a three-course menu, using produce fromWisley's World Food Garden, which spans 3700 square metres,and includes a stunning array of fruit, vegetables, herbs andedible plants from across the globe. Some proteins includingrabbit and venison are also being provided, but everything onthe plates must come together in perfect harmony.Amongst thosedining today are three-time Chelsea Flower Show gold medalwinner Charlotte Harris and award-winning designer of Wisley'sWorld Food Garden Ann-Marie Powell. Hosting the celebrations isHelena Pettit, the RHS Director of Shows, Commercial andInnovation, so it's crucial the contestants deliver a meal toremember.Next, it's back to the MasterChef kitchen where thecompetition ramps up. The brief is simple - one dish that isinspired by someone close to the contestants. They might choosea mentor, a loved one, or a family member, but the dish musthave heart, and be the perfect illustration of thatbond.Then, it's time for one of the toughest eliminations ofthe series, as one chef misses out on finals week, and thesuccessful four continue the adventure of a lifetime, whichwill see one of them crowned MasterChef: The Professionalschampion 2024.