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BOEING'S WHISTLEBLOWERS – Less than a year after a panel blewoff a 737-9 MAX airplane carrying 177 people thousands of feetabove the ground, Boeing has faced four new federalinvestigations and appointed a new CEO to "restore trust." Yetthat has not slowed down the steady stream of Boeingwhistleblowers coming forward with safety and quality concerns.Correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi meets with several of thosewhistleblowers in Washington, including one who is speakingout in his first television interview. Alfonsi hears abouttheir serious concerns for commercial airplanes leaving theirfactories and why they weren't surprised when that panel blewoff the side of a Boeing airplane in the Oregon sky. LucyHatcher is the producer.BIG CRYPTO – Rarely in Americanpolitics has a new industry spent so much money, with suchapparent impact, as the cryptocurrency business did in thelast election. With the price of Bitcoin reaching record highsafter the election, Margaret Brennan examines how much moneythe crypto industry spent, how effective it was and what ithopes to get from the new "pro-crypto" Trump administration andCongress. Andy Court is the producer.A TUTOR FOR EVERY STUDENT– Correspondent Anderson Cooper explores AI in the classroomand learns how the education nonprofit Khan Academy teamed upwith the AI company OpenAI to enhance teacher efficiency anddeepen student learning. Cooper previews a new voice and visiontechnology from OpenAI, and test-drives a pioneering onlinetutor named "Khanmigo" from Khan Academy to experiencefirsthand how the two companies are hoping to help shape thefuture of education. Denise Schrier Cetta is the producer.THAIELEPHANTS – For centuries, the people of Thailand have helda deep reverence for their national animal – the Asianelephant. Today that reverence and co-existent relationship isbeing tested. Deforestation and overdevelopment are drivingthese 10-thousand-pound animals out of the wild and into farmsand villages in search of food – creating a growing andsometimes dangerous human-elephant conflict. CorrespondentSharyn Alfonsi travels into the forests of Thailand to meetwith villagers who are dealing with weekly elephant incursionsand talks to American and Thai scientists who are developingnovel solutions to combat the problem. This is a double lengthsegment. Ashley Velie is the producer.