Event created by Midnight
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The last seven weeks have seen the three finalists invest everyounce of blood, sweat and tears into the competition.Everything they have worked towards reaches a crescendo as thejudges decide who among them will become champion. It's theMasterChef: The Professionals grand final, and there'severything to play for.The finalists have just three hours todeliver three of the best courses they have ever produced. Theywill need to create plates of food that show progress, passionand a flawless palate. All three have proven themselves skilfuland driven with flair in their craft, so it will takesomething extraordinary to stand out from the pack. This isquite simply the biggest moment of their culinary careers. Onewrong move, and the trophy might just slip through theirfingers.It's then judgement time, as Gregg, Marcus and Monicaconsider which chef has shone the brightest. One is about to gothrough a life-changing moment and be crowned MasterChef: TheProfessionals champion 2024.