Event created by Midnight
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It's finals week on MasterChef: The Professionals, and justfour outstanding chefs are in with a fighting chance at thetitle. They face the biggest moment of their careers, cookingfor industry giants, before they square off for a place in thefinal three. The stakes don't get much higher than this.Aluxury five-star hotel in London is the setting for the firstchallenge, which will be sure to set the contestants' heartsracing. They are catering for the Chef's Table in theMichelin-starred Dining Room restaurant of The Goring Hotel,where 24 of the industry's most revered chefs have been invitedto taste their food. This is an opportunity like no other, anda unique chance for these brave chefs to get noticed by theirfood heroes. Guests include Lisa Goodwin-Allen (Northcote 1*),Daniel Clifford (Midsummer House 2*), Jun Tanaka (The Ninth1*) and Alex Dilling (Hotel Café Royal 2*).The finalists havefour hours to prepare one course each for this exclusive event.All the professionals will be hoping to deliver a dish toremember -one that hits the Michelin standard on every front.Exquisite presentation with flavours to match are the bareminimum this occasion demands. A plate that excels in terms ofinnovation and creativity is what's required to create a buzzin the dining room.Next, the finalists return to theMasterChef kitchen to battle for a place in the final three inwhat is one of the most emotional stages of the competition.One plate of food is the ask, but it must be nothing short ofperfection. All four have proven their capabilities so far,but will any of them break under this level ofpressure?Finally, the judges reveal which unfortunate finalistis saying goodbye, while the other three chefs press on in therace to become this year's champion.