Event created by Midnight
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It's Tamron's guide to help the Tam Fam thrive in all aspectsof our lives! Motivational speaker LISA NICHOLS is back withtips on visualizing your goals and how to set your intentionsfor the new year. She helps aspiring actress SHAKYRA LASHAE putit to the test. Plus, find out where you land on Lisa's"Boldness Barometer"! Next, certified dating and relationshipcoach MEGAN WEKS, creator of "The Manfunnel Method," helpsTam Fam member ANGELA MARWAHA, whose goal is to find the rightpartner in 2025. Then, former NFLlinebacker-turned-personal-finance-coach and Ivy Leagueprofessor BRANDON COPELAND helps SAMANTHA HART with her goal ofbuying a house. Finally, Tam Fam's favorite bodybuilder andgrandmother, 63-year-old CYNTHIA STEWART, coaches CHANTLAISRAIL on reaching her goal of toning her body in 2025.