Event created by Midnight
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Jod continues to pose as the Republic Emissary and he ordersWim, Neel and KB confined to their quarters while he takesFern and Fara to meet the Supervisor, which is revealed to bea massive AI droid. When the Supervisor contradicts his claimabout being a Jedi, revealing to have learned of Order 66,Jod is forced to destroy the Supervisor, causing a blackout inthe city, as well as shutting down the safety droids. As thepirates invade At Attin with the intent of enslaving thepopulace, which includes Neel's and KB's parents,Wim, Wendle, Neel and KB race to the Onyx Cinder. As the shipis locked in place, Wim distracts Jod so Wendle can restorepower, enabling KB to fly the ship past the barrier with arepaired SM-33 to call Kh'ymm for help, shortly beforethe Onyx Cinder is shot down. In a subsequent struggle withJod, Wim and Fern separate him from his lightsaber while areluctant Wendle and Fern destroy the barrier, enabling theNew Republic forces to arrive to deal with the pirates,forcing Jod to admit defeat. Everyone then races to the OnyxCinder crash site to find KB alive and well. The episode endswith Wim looking up to the arriving New Republic ships inamazement.