Event created by Midnight
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Joe Lycett is joined by The Last Leg presenter Alex Brooker fora two-day tour of the Dutch city of Rotterdam. After taking thetrain direct from London, they launch into a break full ofunusual activities, attractions and flavours. Foraccommodation, they swerve hotels in favour of Wikkelboats;eco-friendly floating houses insulated with corrugatedcardboard, that come complete with hot tubs on deck. Oncethey're settled in, they book onto the Rooftop tour, takingin some of the most interesting roofs and views in Rotterdam,including a farm and the oldest skyscraper in Europe. Fordinner, they head to Fermin - a restaurant that loves to usefermented flavours in its unique and inventive menu. Day twobegins with a culture hit as they head to Rotterdam's largestgallery's storeroom, the futuristic Depot, before roundingoff their caper with chips in peanut sauce, a stroll across afamous bridge and a game at the Dutch pinball museum, whichgives Alex an idea for a whole new show.