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We are delving into some of the most shocking and talked abouttrue crime stories and meeting the real people behind them. Ina DAYTIME EXCLUSIVE, we meet ROBIN PUTSCHER, the sister ofHOPE YBARRA, who convinced the world and her family that heryoungest daughter had cystic fibrosis and that she, herself,had cancer. We meet CATHY TERKANIAN from the documentary "IntoThe Fire," the story of a mother desperate to get to thebottom of her daughter's disappearance with the help of amateurdetective CARL KOPPELMAN. Author and award-winning podcasterANDREA DUNLOP, who began covering cases of Munchausen syndromeby proxy after she said her own family was affected, joins usto discuss her new book, "The Mother Next Door," with OFFICERMIKE WEBER, the country's only detective who specializes inthese kinds of crimes. And we welcome NPR "Fresh Air" hostTONYA MOSLEY, who got a call asking for help in finding amissing woman who also happened to be the sister she never knewabout.