Event created by Midnight
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It's the start of the summer holidays, and Sister Veronicaarrives at an abandoned warehouse looking for a family todiscuss the children's truancy. The mother is pregnant, buther imposing husband is refusing a midwife visit. Fearing forthe mother's safety, Sister Veronica involves SisterJulienne, who must find the strength to help the motherthrough a traumatic birth whilst overcoming her own personalcrisis.Shelagh makes a house call to see a man who lives insidean iron lung after being paralysed from a polio infection. Hiswife is his main carer, and Shelagh notices that she's lookingjaundiced, so she suggests an appointment with Dr Turner,leading to a devastating diagnosis.The 1970 Commonwealth Gameshas everyone excited. Children play in the street with theirmakeshift hurdles and javelins, but when a young boy isinjured, Violet decides to create the Poplar CommonwealthGames in an official, safe capacity and enlists the help ofCyril, who has returned from Jamaica.