Event created by Midnight
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More hopeful singletons visit the First Dates restaurantlooking for love. Glamorous 53-year-old Justine loveschocolate; 59-year-old chocolate expert Angus is hoping tomelt her heart. Their date sizzles, but is Angus coming on toostrong? Fashionista Lucy, who's 24, has never had aboyfriend. She suffered a long illness, which means she nowuses a stoma bag. Lucy's date is the moustachioed,pearl-necklace-wearing Ben, who's also 24. They connect overfashion, charity shops and a shared obsession with HarryStyles. Hairdresser Clint, who's 39, admits that dates tendto find him rude. His match is long-haul flight attendantDani, who's also 39, and who finds his jet-setting job is ahindrance to settling down. Writer Jack bears more than apassing resemblance to his namesake Captain Jack Sparrow. Hisdate Chloe, a singer in a rock band, arrives in aneye-catching leather dress. From the moment Jack and Chloe meetand compliment each other's eyeliner, sparks fly. Jack writesChloe a poem. But she goes one better, performing a serenadethat brings the restaurant to a standstill and leaves Jackstunned.