Event created by Midnight
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Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!On today's show, Sherri kicks off hermonth-long campaign, "Feeling Good, Sharing Good" and invitesviewers to join in and make someone's day with a smile, agift, a laugh, or words of encouragement. The campaign willculminate with a full-hour show at the end of the monthdedicated to feeling good and sharing good!All month long, theSHERRI show wants you to join the campaign each day to FEEL THEGOOD, SHARE THE GOOD and make someone's day! A smile, agift, a laugh, or words of encouragement. It feels good toshare the good so join us!Gloria Gaynor & TonyAward-winner Joaquina Kalukango talk about their new film,"Robin Roberts Presents I Will Survive: The Gloria GaynorStory."