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What Will Mitch Do? – Now that President Donald Trump hasretaken the White House and is shaking up Washington with anonslaught of executive orders and controversial nominees forhis Cabinet, correspondent Lesley Stahl profiles thelongest-serving Senate party leader, Mitch McConnell, on hislife, legacy and what he will do next since stepping down fromSenate leadership. Stahl meets McConnell in his office andinterviews him, as well as his biographer, Michael Tackett,about the Senator's upbringing and impact on American life,his contentious relationship with Mr. Trump and how he plans tostand up for what he believes is right. Robert Lighthizer –Tariffs were a signature of President Trump's campaign and arenow part of his economic agenda promising to protect Americantrade and recover manufacturing jobs. Correspondent ScottPelley interviews Robert Lighthizer, the top tradenegotiator during Trump's first term who continues to be aninformal advisor and confidant of the President. Lighthizeris a strong advocate for tariffs believing they will not onlyusher in a manufacturing renaissance but that they will protectcritical U.S. national security interests. Economists areskeptical about Trump's tariff proposals arguing they will leadto higher costs for companies and consumers. A PsychedelicJourney – Last year, the Veterans Administration announcedit would begin funding clinical trials to explore the use ofpsychedelic drugs for treating post-traumatic stress disorder,depression, and addiction. However, these trials are small,and even if successful, it will likely be years beforeveterans can access psychedelics at the VA. Many U.S. veteransstruggling with PTSD aren't waiting. Thousands of veterans aretraveling overseas seeking relief at psychedelic retreats wherethese substances are legal to use, mostly in indigenousceremonies. Correspondent Anderson Cooperfollows nine veteranson a psychedelic journey to the west coast of Mexico, wherethey hope to find healing.