Event created by Midnight
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Grant and his 10 remaining women head to Madrid for a week ofadventure and romance. As the women soak up the city's vibrantenergy, Grant selects one lucky lady for the first one-on-onedate to explore the city's iconic sights, indulge in localactivities, and see if their connection can spark amid theromance of the Spanish capital. Next, Grant and several womenventure to the charming town of Chinchón for a group datefilled with surprises, culminating in a lesson from famedmatadora Carmen Calderón. The real twist, however, comeswhen a mechanical bull riding challenge is introduced, withprivate time with Grant on the line. Later, Grant and onewoman take their relationship to new heights by taking a leapof faith, and not just in the romantic sense. With tensionsrising and some women continuing to question his intentions,an unexpected departure leaves Grant reeling and searching forclarity.