Event created by Midnight
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On Valentine's, the most romantic day of the year,50-year-old Dave, a singer and wedding celebrant who unitescouples in matrimonial bliss, hopes to find a piece of thatbliss for himself. Enter Matthew, who's also 50, a single dadsporting a beard that he himself classes as a mistake. Betty,who's 23, has never had a boyfriend. Her date tonight isRobbie, a 31-year-old shoe salesman whose banter sometimeslets him down. After a slightly awkward start, they bond overpast hardships as young love starts to blossom. Martin, a66-year-old poet from West Yorkshire, has memory problemsafter a serious motorbike accident. Martin's date is Denise, agrandmother of six. And Martin's so inspired he writes Denise apoem on the spot. Jade is a 29-year-old artist who turns heads.Jade thinks women are 'the most beautiful thing in the world'but finds them very hard to read. Her date with Genell, a mumof one, is one of the flirtiest encounters the restaurant hasever seen.