Event created by Midnight
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Hugo is 19 and, although he wears a cravat, he's never beenon a date. He meets career-focussed Rose, who's also 19 andknows exactly what she wants: becoming a self-mademillionaire, holidaying on a yacht in Monaco, and finding aman who looks like a young Hugh Grant. Hugo's datinginexperience is clearly demonstrated by a series of clangers;he even asks Rose if she's pregnant. Next up: at the age of 61Candy is an eternal optimist who believes her knight in shiningarmour is still out there. Cue dapper 61-year-old fitnessaficionado David. Trainee paramedic Holly has a weakness forbad boys and a habit of getting their names tattooed 'in aprivate area' shortly before they dump her. TV salesman Taylorhas the bad boy looks but a heart of gold. Kirsty, a42-year-old mother-of-two and amateur boxer, is ready to puther gloves down for love and is looking for a 'gym buff'. Avidgym-goer and kebab shop entrepreneur Paul credits his love ofdoners for helping him achieve his muscular physique. Is Kirstyin for a sizzling date? Or will it all go up in flames?