Event created by Midnight
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Every year Derbyshire's Traffic Cops deal with over 300life-changing and fatal collisions. Many are due to excessivespeed and involve the most vulnerable - the young and theelderly. There's a serious crash involving a young motorcyclistand an elderly pedestrian. Paramedics are on site but areunable to save the older male. Evidence from witnesses and CCTVare examined by the crash investigation team, leading to thearrest of the biker, charged on suspicion of causing death bydangerous driving. A young and inexperienced teenager with aprovisional driving licence collides with a wall and overturnsher car. Despite the extensive damage, it's a lucky escape andthe young girl is unharmed but faces court action. And officersattend a two car collision between an elderly couple and ayoung man whose car was flipped onto its side when driven intohead on at a junction.