Event created by Midnight
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In 2011, a witness last saw 20-year-old nursing student HollyBobo walking into the Tennessee woods with an unknown man.Three years later, authorities found her remains miles fromher home. After the largest and most expensive investigation inthe Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's (TBI) history,authorities ultimately charged Zach Adams, Dylan Adams andJason Autry with the kidnapping and murder of Holly. Althoughthere was little physical evidence and no DNA linking any ofthe men to the crime, a jury convicted Zach at trial — basedmainly on Jason's testimony, in which he stated that he hadbeen present when Zach shot and killed Holly. Dylan Adams andJason Autry both eventually pleaded guilty to lesser charges.Earlier this year, Jason recanted his testimony, saying hemade it all up, and while prosecutors stand by theconviction, lawyers for Zach are now asking a judge to granthim a new trial.