Event created by Midnight
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Four champions enter the kitchen ready to name their price andfight for every edge as they try to repeat a win by defeatingall others! In this high stakes finale, the chefs are given alarger sum of money to bid with, and the auction levels up asthe items are revealed one at a time, so the champions have noidea how bad or good each sequential ingredient might be. In anextremely fierce first round, all of the ingredients that thechefs win at auction seem challenging in their own way, andthe judges' expectations are sky-high for this group ofexceptional chefs. Before the entrée round, one chef's heartseems set on winning the alligator heart at auction. Then, inthe decisive dessert round, a clumpy reduction seems to reduceone chef's chances of victory. But after the judges discuss allthree courses, who will be the grand champion and walk awaywith an extraordinary sum of money, and who will be thefifteenth chef of the tournament to be chopped?